Golang maps godocs
Golang maps godocs

golang maps godocs

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️ 🗂️ Page Index for this GitHub Wiki $ godoc -http=:6060 -goroot= the path to your target package (most likely in the form /Users/USER_NAME/go/src/directory/organization/repository) Useful References

golang maps godocs

If you'd like to see details godocs online, you can run a godoc server locally by executing the following command in the command line/terminal: These are just two examples of how you could manipulate the godoc output to fit your needs. DirectoryA You could write it to a file: Let's say you want the godoc for a directory called DirectoryA. Luckily, Godoc does all the hard work for you- you just have to write well-documented code! Get your godocs locally This tips & tricks section is especially helpful if you want to really refine your godocs and produce top-quality documentation. Please not that the square brackets are mandatory around the key. Declaration To declare a Map, we may use map keyword along with the datatypes of key and value. Key in a Map acts like an index in an Array. You can access the key:value pair of a Map using key. While key has to be distinct in a Map, value can occur in duplicates. You can make high-quality godocs if you do things right. Go Map In Go, Map is a collection of unordered key:value pairs. In order to create the best documentation you can, you'll want to follow the standards you see on Golang Blog and GoDoc. If you want great documentation, you need to write great comments! Godoc is only as useful as you make it! This means the more meaningful and useful comments you have, the better your godocs will be! You can quickly navigate to our godocs below: For all the details on Golang documentation, check out both the Golang Blog and GoDoc sites.

golang maps godocs

Godocs are a great way to document your Go code.

Golang maps godocs